Earn with Referrals

Earn coins by referring friends and family to Bridge

Taylor avatar
Written by Taylor
Updated over a week ago

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Active Bridge members are eligible to earn referral rewards. Read on to learn how to refer a friend, and Earn!

Refer a Friend

In your Bridge app:

  1. Tap Earn Coins

  2. Tap Refer a Friend

  3. Share your unique referral code with your friend

  4. If your friend enters your code and completes sign up for a Bridge account, you'll receive coins

For your referral to be successful and to get coins for a referral:

  1. Your friend must use your unique referral code during account sign up, and

  2. Your friend must complete sign up for a Bridge account

We are unable to grant referrals retroactively. Please ensure your friend uses your unique referral code during their sign-up.

Referral Royalties

Every time a person you referred successfully cashes out, you'll receive coins!

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